JUNE 2013
My husband never gives me oral sex, despite him asking me to perform it
on him several times a month. This wasn’t always the case and I do feel
these things should be reciprocal. What can I do to encourage him?
Answer: Darn right these things should be reciprocal!
Few things are more galling than a lover who expects their other half to do
all the giving. It’s bad-mannered of your spouse to expect you to
pleasure him in bed without returning the same courtesy.
The key thing here is the fact your sex life wasn’t always like this. This
would suggest your husband hasn’t got an aversion, per se, to this most
intimate form of sexual contact (some men do).
Inexperienced or reticent souls can be
turned off by eye-level connection with erogenous zones, which is fine
if their partner is on the same page. In your case, however, an
inequality exists.
I suspect this is a simple case of marital laziness.
This form of foreplay generally requires a certain amount of effort, which
will not prove a problem if your man happens to be one of those Romeos
whose greatest thrill comes from bestowing pleasure. Many men love the
practice because it’s often the most reliable and effective way to
please their partner.
You certainly need to open a dialogue with your husband to remind him that
courtesy and kindness are top qualities in the bedroom — and even more
so when you’ve been married a number of years.
I wonder if there’s something he’s not telling you? Sometimes there’s a
simple explanation for avoiding more demanding sexual activity, such as
‘my back hurts’. Or perhaps he’s always lacked confidence with this
activity. If you take a long time to reach a climax, he may wrongly feel
he’s inept.
It’s possible that your partner doesn’t realise how much consideration and effort you put into pleasing him.
Of course, you should never make sex with your partner seem like a chore.
However, it is acceptable to explain that you are working for your
spouse’s delight and would appreciate him being as painstaking in
pursuit of your happiness.
Remember that this is a reasonably common — and eminently solvable — problem
that crops up in many long-term relationships with partners of either
gender. Some women demand copious foreplay, but are reluctant to bestow
oral pleasure upon their partners.
It seem to me that there is always one last resort in these cases. If your
husband does not respond to gentle reasoning, you are well within your
rights to go on strike yourself. He should swiftly see your point.
May 2013
Sorry I have been slack in posting of late... but i came across this and thought it was so good i needed to share it.
a firm believer in the power of touch. Everyone needs to be touched,
yet we live in a touch-deprived society. Sensual touch from someone we
love is the most powerful form of touch there is. It can heal, it can
soothe, it can arouse. Touch may be the single most important thing for
your relationship.
Here are 10 ways that touch can enhance your relationship:
Learning how to touch each other involves learning how to communicate
more effectively with one another. Touching and talking opens the door
for you to share your likes and dislikes when it comes to sex. When you
learn effective communication, it helps all aspects of your
Through touch, couples can stay deeply connected and actually build
intimacy, because sensual touch is the language of comfort and intimacy.
3. Taking time to learn about the unique ways your partner receives pleasure is a demonstration of love.
4. Sensual touch produces “feel good” hormones that enhance the natural bonding of couples.
Massaging your partner before sexual activity enhances relaxation,
which allows for deeper more pleasurable orgasms. Orgasms can keep you
Focusing on the sharing of sensual touch during lovemaking, combined
with deep breathing, can keep couples from falling into patterns.
Staying out of patterns keeps your sex life hot, and your relationship
Stimulating erogenous zones through light, slow touch creates a
full-body sensual experience that also builds trust between you and your
Setting aside time and creating the right atmosphere for sensual touch
(candles, dim lights, etc.) also deepens bonding and shows how much you
care for each other.
Touch is the way that we communicate our deepest feelings for each
other. Touching someone helps them to know that you care about them.
10. Sensual Touch teaches you how to listen to and honor your partner through tears, laughter, orgasm and love.
I'll never forget a story someone once told me about the power of touch to transform feelings. It goes like this:
was once a young woman who hated her mother-in-law. She disliked the
woman so much that she went to the local alchemist to have him create a
poison to kill her. The alchemist made a poisonous salve and told the
young woman to massage it into her mother-in- law's skin every night for
30 days. After 15 days the woman came to the alchemist begging him to
give her a "cure" for the poison. She now loved her mother-in-law and
couldn't believe that she might have actually caused her harm. The
alchemist explained to the young woman that the salve wasn't poison at
all, it was simply a way to get her to change her feeling about her
mother-in-law through touch.
Touching someone regular keeps us loving them. Touch someone you love (or don't love) tonight.
March 12th 2013
Sex Fact of the Day ... A kiss a day keeps
the dentist away? ... "Kissing encourages saliva to wash food from the
teeth and lowers the level of the acid that causes decay, preventing
plaque build-up."
March 2nd 3013
Opps its been a wee while since I have added to the blog. Just wanted to let you know that I have just added to the website THE OFFICIAL FIFTY SHADES OF GREY Products. There is everything there from butt plugs to whips and paddles along with vibes and other toys :)
Jan 10th 2013
Have just added a Sales page so go check it out now
December 31st
I trust you all had a good Christmas and Santa was nice to you. Have an excellent New Year too and be safe.